Comfort Aid Near You
A high number of people choose not to visit the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings because they suffer from dental anxiety. At 750 West Broadway Dental, we understand the dentist clinic can be a scary place, and so we take extra measures to ensure all our patients are as comfortable as they can every time they come in. This includes comfort aids for patients to make their visit more enjoyable and less anxiety-provoking. These include:
Sedation dentistry
An excellent way of decreasing patient anxiety for those who are afraid of the dentist. There are currently 4 levels of sedation:
- Minimal: Oral medication in pill form (Ativan, Rezipan) is provided prior to treatment. This type of sedation does not cause sleep but rather dulls the senses so that the patient is fully awake, yet more relaxed.
- Moderate: The patient is fully conscious but may not remember the procedure. Slurring of words following the procedure is also common.
- Deep: The patient is close to a state of unconsciousness, but can still be woken if needed.
- General Anesthetic: Generally used during longer medical procedures. The patient is in a deep sleep throughout the procedure and shortly afterward.
It is very important that we have your medical history up to date so that we are aware of any medications you are taking and any potential allergies before we administer any sedation.
Topical Anesthetic
A fruit-flavored ointment can be applied directly on the skin or inside the patient’s mouth to numb the area the dentist will be working on. Typically a topical ointment is used to relieve pain when administering the local anesthetic before procedures.
Local Anesthetic
Medicine is injected into the gum or inner cheek to numb a part of the patient’s mouth for the duration of the procedure. It is very common for patients to feel numb for a couple of hours after the anesthetic is administered. Take care when eating or drinking during this time. Please contact the clinic immediately if the pain is experienced after the numbness subsides.